Welcome to Fort Hill! Maybe you’re a church goer, maybe you go once in a while, or maybe you’ve never been to church at all. Wherever you fall along those lines, we welcome you. We try to keep things simple. Because of this, here’s what you can expect at our church:

We gather at 10AM on Sunday mornings. Our dress is casual and our worship style is simple.  You’ll hear contemporary worship songs alongside old hymns led by an acoustic band.  We try to keep our focus on the truths we are singing rather than focusing so much on the lighting and production that describes many of our modern day churches. 

After worship, you’ll hear a message from the Bible.  We typically preach through entire books of the Bible and apply the truths found there to our lives, with Jesus always at the center.  We end our service with a time of response where we reflect on what we have heard from God’s Word. 

At this point we all respond as the Lord leads - with prayer, reflection and the taking of communion for those who have professed faith in Jesus.  This is accompanied by a closing song before ending our service with announcements. 

Please come early to grab a coffee and breakfast treat.  You can check your children into our Greenhouse Kids check-in station in the main worship room.  Kids stay with their families for worship and then are dismissed to go downstairs for their own personalized teaching time. 

After the service, you can pick up your kids downstairs.  After that feel free to grab another coffee or snack and say hello to someone new!  We look forward to meeting you!

Worship service:

Our aim in all of this is to focus on the one thing that matters: Jesus.

So come! Dress casual. Bring your family. Drink some coffee. Sing. Listen. Respond. And engage with the One who it’s all about: Jesus.


Luke 2:52 says that Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man.  And just like Jesus, we want our kids to grow!  That’s why we are called Greenhouse Kids. 

At Greenhouse kids your little ones will learn about Jesus, God’s Word, and how much God loves them.  We have interactive music, an engaging teaching, snacks, and a small craft.  Ages range from pre-K up to 5th grade. 

The Greenhouse Kids room is located downstairs from the upstairs main worship room.  A nursery for your small infants is located through the Greenhouse Kids room and down the hall. 

Be sure to check your kids in before the service starts at the check-in counter located in the main worship room.